Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Unit 3's Reflections and Goals

Reflections and Self-Assessment

On a scale from 1 to 10, I would rate my physical wellbeing at about a 5. I have had several health issues lately and they are probably all related to stress issues. My spiritual wellbeing would be rated at about a 7. I believe strongly in the mind-body-spirit connection and I used to meditate quite a bit. I feel the oneness and connectivity when meditating I just haven’t put it in to practice as a whole. I would rate my psychological wellbeing at about a 6. I am pretty level headed and find myself using a witnessing mind in many areas of my life. I still have improvements that need to be made and areas I need to release.

Wellbeing Goals

I would like to set a goal to become more physically healthy. My first goal will be to stop smoking. I make excuses that I can’t stop yet because of stress. This leads to my psychological goal. My goal is to stop putting so much pressure on myself mentally and reduce more areas of stress. I always feel like I have to be the caretaker in my family and everyone relies on me to do everything. My next goal is to continue working towards expanding my consciousness and go back to meditating regularly.

Wellbeing Exercises

I think that regular meditation would be a great exercise to help me with all three areas of my goals. Meditation calms the mind and the spirit, which calms the body. This helps reduce stress and brings more clarity to my life so I can make better decisions. It also helps develop the witnessing mind which will also help all areas in my development and healing.

Crime of the Century relaxation

I loved this relaxation. One of my all-time favorite meditations was a chakra balancing meditation and that is exactly what this did for me. I felt relaxed physically throughout my entire body and my mind felt relaxed. I felt a connectedness. It may sound strange but I also felt a mild kind of pulsing vibration all through me and around me and a calmness.

Monday, May 25, 2009

A bit about me....

Hello everyone,

Welcome to the Inner Cascades. I am an avid lover of waterfalls (hence the word "cascades"). My classmates will likely be the only visitors here and this is the first time I have ever used, or visited blogs. Please be patient. :)

I have been on this inner journey for quite a few years now. Sometimes I direct more energy to it than others. My life has definitely been up and down over the last few years and I have contributed to much of it, and accepted the rest of it. I really love to meditate but I do not always make the time. This class and this blog will be another path in my journey.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Hello. Today was an exhausting day! I drove 175 miles for an audit in the desert. It was hot and windy. I'm looking forward to a slow relaxing evening before I head back to the desert tomorrow.